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  user1: #username for user 1. change to whatever you'd like
    displayname: "User Name 1" #whatever you want the display name to be
    password: "$argon2i$v=19$m=1024,t=1,p=8$eTQ3MXdqOGFiaDZoMUtMVw$OeHWQSg9zGKslOepe5t4D1T9BZJjHA1Z+doxZrZYDgI" #generated at
    email: #whatever your email address is
    groups: #enter the groups you want the user to be part of below
      - admins
      - dev
  user2: #username for user 2. change to whatever you'd like. Or delete this section if you only have 1 user
    displayname: "User Name 2" #whatever you want the display name to be
    password: "$argon2i$v=19$m=1024,t=1,p=8$eTQ3MXdqOGFiaDZoMUtMVw$OeHWQSg9zGKslOepe5t4D1T9BZJjHA1Z+doxZrZYDgI" #generated at
    email: #whatever your email address is
    groups: #enter the groups you want the user to be part of below
      - dev

	#any time you add a new user, you will need to restart the Authelia container to recognize the new settings/rules

When you go to to generate your passwords, the use the settings you see below:


Enter your password into the "Plain Text Input"

Click the gear in "Salt" to generate a random string of characters.

Other settings:

  • Parallelism: 8
  • Memory Cost: 1024
  • Iterations: 1
  • Hash Length: 32

Be sure to have "Argon2id" activated.

Click "Generate Hash"

Copy the string that starts with $argon2id into the associated user password in the users_database.yml