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Flame Dashboard on CasaOS

You're going to need to download the FlamePi.json file attached to this article.

Please review these .json files before you do anything with them so that you can see what they contain. Only use the files if you are comfortable with their contents.

To get started, you'll login to your CasaOS dashboard and then look for the "+ App" button on the right side of the screen.

Installing Flame Dashboard

Click "+ App".

Click "Custom Install" at the bottom of the modal window that pops up.

In the new window, you're going to look at the top right for the "X" to close the window. DON'T click that. Instead, click the square with the arrow in it that is to the left of the "X".

A window titled "Import" will pop up and there will be 2 tabs. The first is "Docker CLI" and the other is "App File".

Click "App File".

Upload the ncdb.json file. This is the database that you're going to use for your NextCloud setup.

Click "Submit".

Next, you should see a screen that says, "AutoFill only helps you to complete most of the configuration." Click the botton to move to the next step.

If you are already using port 5005 on your setup, you can change the "Host" port from 5005 to something else.

You can change the "Host" volume to move the storage to wherever you want on your server.

At this point you can either change other settings as you need or click the "Install" button at the bottom. 

Now you just need to wait for the container to deploy.

Once the container has deployed, just click the Flame icon on your dashboard.