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Installation Methods

iPerf3 is a tool for active measurements of the maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks. It supports tuning of various parameters related to timing, buffers and protocols (TCP, UDP, SCTP with IPv4 and IPv6). For each test it reports the bandwidth, loss, and other parameters. This is a new implementation that shares no code with the original iPerf and also is not backwards compatible. iPerf was orginally developed by NLANR/DAST. iPerf3 is principally developed by ESnet / Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. It is released under a three-clause BSD license.

First we'll look at getting a Docker container running as our iPerf3 server. Then we'll get the software for our client-side of things.

Docker Container


docker run -d -it --restart=unless-stopped --name=iperf3-server -p 5201:5201 networkstatic/iperf3 -s

Docker Compose

Thanks to YouTube viewer egrims for pointing out how to fix the docker-compose on this:

version: '3.3'
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: iperf3-server
      - '5201:5201'
    image: networkstatic/iperf3
    stdin_open: true # docker run -i
    tty: true        # docker run -t
    command: -s

Client Application

This website has clients for multiple operating systems and is what I used in the video: