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Docker Compose

One of the things I've found myself in desperate need of is a project management system. I've looked at several over the last month or two and found one I like: Leantime.

Leantime is an open source project management system for small teams and startups.

Leantime is super easy to set up with this docker-compose:

version: '3.3'
          - '3306:3306'
          - leantime-net
          - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=321.qwerty
          - MYSQL_DATABASE=leantime
          - MYSQL_USER=admin
          - MYSQL_PASSWORD=321.qwerty
        container_name: mysql_leantime
        image: 'mysql:5.7'
        restart: always
            - '8483:80'
          - leantime-net
            - LEAN_DB_HOST=mysql_leantime
            - LEAN_DB_USER=admin
            - LEAN_DB_PASSWORD=321.qwerty
            - LEAN_DB_DATABASE=leantime
        container_name: leantime
        image: 'leantime/leantime:latest'
        restart: always

    external: false

Once you've deployed the server, be sure to set up your domain name and reverse proxy to point to this container. Then go to the URL you set up and go through the install process (basically just creating a user account).

You'll want to SSH into your server and modify the configuration.php file in the leantime container by using a few commands.

Once you're SSHed into your server run these commands:

docker exec -it leantime sh

cd config

vi configuration.php

You might need to press the "i" key on your keyboard to get into edit mode

The primary thing you may want to edit here is the SMTP server settings, so scroll down to the areas you need to edit and, well, edit them.

Once you've got things set the way you want them, press the ESC key on your keyboard, then type the following and press Enter:


Then you can restart your leantime container and you should be good to go.