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Trilium Notes

Over the last few years we've looked at several different note-taking applications and I can say that I was SHOCKED when I took a look at Trilium for the first time.

The deployment process was about the easiest thing I've ever done and the resource usage is super low.

Here's the docker-compose/stack I used to deploy Trilium on my Docker server using Portainer:

version: '3.3'
            - '8482:8080'
            - 'trilium-data:/home/node/trilium-data'
        image: 'zadam/trilium:latest'
        restart: always


You can, of course, map a volume path rather than using a docker volume if you prefer to do that.

Once you have the docker-compose/stack the way you want it, just click the deploy button and wait a few minutes for it to come up.

You can access this behind a remote proxy if you want and I didn't encounter anything out of the ordinary when accessing it remotely.