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How to Host WordPress on CasaOS

Here are the import files for installing WordPress on CasaOS



First thing, import the database so that it is up and ready to go for the WordPress container.

When you import the .json file, be sure to check/change the appropriate fields (usernames and passwords) for your setup.

Once you have the settings the way you want them, go ahead and deploy the container. 

After the container has deployed, SSH into your CasaOS server and run the following command:

docker ps

Find the ID of the mariadb container.

Now run this command: 

docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' wordpressdb

Be sure to replace wordpressdb with the ID that you found when you ran docker ps.

You could then get an IP address like

Now you can import the WordPress .json file.

Modify the settings (usernames and passwords) to match the database settings from before.

Also, change the database host IP address to whatever you saw when you did the docker inspect command. Leave the port at 3306.

Deploy the container.

Once it has deployed, you can go to http://your.casaos.ip.address:port (change this to match your CasaOS IP address and WordPress container port) and you should see a page asking you to select a language.

If not, fix your errors and try again.

At this point, you can either just go through with the set up process or you can get a domain configured on your system and go to the domain for your WordPress instance and complete the set up process via the domain.